Monday, August 1, 2011

OMG Day 4 on Juice Fast... Why Kale is green goodness..

Day 4 woke up this morning feeling so good and light lol I got on the scale and omg I couldn't believe it I lost another 3 lbs!!  Total weight loss now of 6.5 pounds in 4 days.  

I am thinking of pancakes and eggs and bacon but it was just a thought and I got over it.  Made my juice and dreamt it was all of it lol

I know that most people when you say your juicing look at you funny.  I am feeling better all around.  No more bloating, swelling my breathing is actually better (I am asmatic). 

There is no room for negativity.  Don't let anyone stop you from helping make yourself better.  This is not easy for me but I know it is what my body needs more then anything else right now.  To be diagnosed so young with Osteo Arthritis and need back surgery , knee surgery and hand surgery because my bones are so britlle is beyound my comprehention.  I also suffer from alergy relate asthma which I take steroidsscareand well they make me even fatter.  I had a scare last year thought I was having heart attack.  Went to emergency room and my blood pressure was up (I Normally have low blood pressure) so this was alarming.  I gained nearly 55 lbs in over 3 years after being diagnosed with OA.

I am so glad for whatever reason God had me turn on the TV to have me watch FAT , Sick and Nearly dead.  I was feeling so tired all the time, bloated my legs and feet swollen constantly and heart burn.

Now, I am taking back control and starting to live again.  No more pills, no more excuses.

Today I am going to start off with my usual large glass of water with lime or lemon.

Breakfast is my Green Goddess: 

4 celery stalks with leaves (Great for immune, diurectic, and anti inflamatory negative calorie food)
4 kale leaves with stems  (Fights cancer causing bacteria and is an anti inflamatory)
1 large green apple ( Lots of great vitamins for Skin)
2 cups of baby leaf spinach (high in antioxidants , heart healthy food)
3/4 cup of blueberries (Neutralizes free radicals which can affect disease and aging in the body)
3/4 cup of raspberries (This fruit is packed with fiber and manganese. Fiber helps slow the digestive process so you feel full longer. Manganese is a trace mineral that helps keep your metabolic rate high, which in turn burns fat.)
1 lemon (Lemon lowers blood pressure and increases the levels of HDL (good cholesterol)
1 half large cucumber (The high silicon and sulphur content of the cucumber is said to promote the growth of hair, especially when the juice of the cucumber is added to the juice of carrot, lettuce and spinach. )

One thing i am not doing is counting calories.  I know lots of people do when they make their drinks but that is something I feel is not needed while I am just juicing and not eating anything else.  I feel what the calorie count is has to be good because its all natural plant foods.  Maybe later when I invcorporate salads and meals then I will think about it..

Exercise is also key.  I was depressed when my surgeon told me walking was out of the question for me because it caused more damage to my spine.  My daughter brought over the Lets Dance for WII (that my son got me for christmas) and I tried it and just loved it.  I can't do all the moves but the music gets me moving regardless wether i do exactly what they do on the video or not.  It is fun!  I work up a sweat that i normally dont work up unless i do a heavy house cleaning lol   It's baby steps.  I am taking it one day at a time. 

Why Kale is one of the best green veggies is below.  I almost lost track of why I started this blog so while I am juicing I will be posting health benefits of all the vegiies I use. 

Kale is not only one of the more beautiful cruciferous vegetables, but it also one of the most nutritious. Here are nine reasons to eat kale, and eat it often.

Diet and Digestion
One cup of kale has only 36 calories and zero grams of fat, which makes it a great diet aid. Furthermore, one cup contains nearly 20% of the RDA of dietary fiber, which promotes regular digestion, prevents constipation, lowers blood sugar and curbs overeating. Finally, kale contains the glucosinolate isothiocyanate (ITC) that fights the formation of H. pylori (Helicobacter pylori), a bacterial growth in the stomach lining that can lead to gastric cancer.

Diet and Digestion One cup of kale has only 36 calories and zero grams of fat, which makes it a great diet aid. Furthermore, one cup contains nearly 20% of the RDA of dietary fiber, which promotes regular digestion, prevents constipation, lowers blood sugar and curbs overeating. Finally, kale contains the glucosinolate isothiocyanate (ITC) that fights the formation of H. pylori (Helicobacter pylori), a bacterial growth in the stomach lining that can lead to gastric cancer.

Kale is a superstar in the arena of carotenoids and flavonoids, two powerful antioxidants that protect our cells from free radicals that cause oxidative stress. The key flavonoids kaempferol and quercitin (not to dismiss the 45 other distinctive flavonoids in kale) have also been shown to specifically fight against the formation of cancerous cells. With the addition of high doses of well-known antioxidants like vitamin C, vitamin A, and manganese, kale is certainly a smart choice in the battle against cellular oxidation.

One cup of kale provides about 10% of the RDA of omega-3 fatty acids that helps regulate the body’s inflammatory process. A megadose of
vitamin K further aids to fight against excessive inflammatory-related problems, such as arthritis, autoimmune disorders, and asthma. Cancer
Not only do kale's antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities work together to prevent and even combat cancer, a healthy diet of kale also provides glucosinolates, which have been shown to prevent colon, breast, bladder, prostate, ovarian cancers, as well as gastric cancer.

Cardiovascular Support
The high fiber content of kale lowers our cholesterol by binding with bile acids that the liver produces from cholesterol for digesting fat. Because many of these bile acids are coupled with fiber, the liver is charged with producing more bile acid to digest fat, and therefore requires more cholesterol to so, ultimately lowering the amount of cholesterol within our bodies.

The isothiocyanates (ITC) from glucosinolates found in kale aid in both phases I and II of the body’s detoxification process. The high sulfur content of kale has further been shown essential for phase II of detoxification.

Vitamin K
Kale provides a whopping dose of vitamin K (providing 1327% of the RDA in one cup), which is necessary for the synthesis of osteocalcin, a protein that strengthens the composition of our bones. Vitamin K also prevents calcium build-up in our tissue that can lead to atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease and stroke. Finally, vitamin K is essential for synthesizing sphingolipid, the fat needed to maintain the myelin sheath around our nerves, and therefore our nervous system as a whole.

Vitamin A
With over 192% of the RDA of vitamin A, one cup of kale is an effective antioxidant, boosts immunity, maintains healthy bones and teeth, prevents urinary stones, and is essential to our reproductive organs.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C, which one cup of kale heartily provides (over 88% of our RDA), is not only a powerful antioxidant, but also lowers blood pressure, ensures a healthy immune system, and fights against age-related ocular diseases, such as cataracts and macular degeneration

Have a wonderful day I know I will... muahh

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